Before the church service starts, the ushers will often have the responsibility to check the thermostat, check the restrooms, and prepare the bulletins for distribution. As churchgoers arrive, the ushers will act as doorkeepers, greeting each person with a smile, shaking hands, and handing out bulletins. They are also available to answer visitors’ questions and extend extra help in seating those who need assistance.

During the church service, the ushers usually take part in some way. They are responsible to take up the church offering and make sure it is put in the proper place. In some churches, ushers also help with the Lord’s Supper or Communion. Ushers have a goal of minimizing distractions during the music and sermon. Ushers stand ready to assist anyone in the congregation who might need help, to aid latecomers in finding a seat, and to inform those in the sanctuary of any urgent matters.

Church ushers are well-versed in emergency procedures. In case of an emergency, the ushers will take the lead in getting people to safety in an orderly manner.

After the service, ushers will again be at the door to greet the congregation as they leave and provide assistance as needed. In many churches, the ushers will then make sure that the sanctuary is tidy, the thermostat is adjusted, and the lights are shut off.

The Responsibilities of a Church Usher

When you serve at church, you’re not “just” a volunteer. You’re given responsibilities and expectations beyond performing basic tasks. We’re going to look at a few responsibilities of ushers that may be a little unexpected.

A good usher comes prepared mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. This is not to be seen as a duty, but a privilege to connect with God as part of your preparation. Don’t feel like this requires an hour of Bible study before you show up. God is far more interested in the commitment of your heart than the amount of your time. Take a few moments at home to connect with God and ask Him to use you as a representative of his love and an agent of His redemptive plan.

This is huge. The cardinal sin of an usher is to not pay attention. At all times watch what is going on in your section and jump in to handle it. If you aren’t sure what to do, ask your ministry leader. The only wrong choice is to do nothing. Never assume someone else is taking care of the need. Pay attention, take initiative, make it happen!

For More information Please Contact Bill Newbille or Baylee Brown