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Dear Shiloh Family,

My truck needed a bath. It was laden with many days of grit, grime, mud, and residue from a newly paved rural road. So, I reluctantly embarked on the arduous task. The vehicle was pulled to the proper place. I followed directions to a tee…windshield washers off, mirrors folded, transmission in neutral, foot off the brake, and hands off the wheel. The driver relaxed as the machine washed, waxed, brushed, rinsed, and simultaneously moved me forward with perfect precision and timing amidst brilliant iridescent colors.

The RAM materialized from the tunnel of emersion sparkling like new. However, before entering the busy thoroughfare, the detailers went to work. With precise intention, hands-on care was applied; the most remote crevasses were dried and polished. Even the tires and wheels were shined. Consequently, the most important cleansing took place on the inside, the business end, where all the food droppings, football sweat, and deer scents were erased. It was virtually like a new ride.

As I sat in place without so much as lifting a finger, I realized how often and how much effort had gone into the cleanup process in my life. I had scrubbed with religion, stained with self-righteousness, and soaked with piousness to no avail. One glorious day, I decided to follow His instructions, release control, and allow the word to wash me clean. He moved me forward with Heavenly precision and timing, while the Holy Spirit illuminated to me things I had never seen before. Pastor Paul and the spiritual detailers of Shiloh extended hands-on care that polished and prepared me for the treacherous thoroughfare of life. The most amazing feat was how God began the fumigating process on the inside of my heart. He miraculously and supernaturally removed the stench of the world and Satan’s influence. I wasn’t LIKE new; I WAS new.

I know this is a crude analogy, but only God can completely cleanse us from sin. He and He alone can transform a filthy and undesirable rogue like me into something useful. Shiloh, He is using many of you, and is calling even more of you, to apply hands-on love to those who come through our church, and/or those in whom we have daily contact. God is calling us to disciple and help prepare the way for their journey. More importantly, God wants the world to see how He has changed us from the inside out. 

2 Corinthians 5:17-18: 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. NKJV

It is an incredible time of ministry at Shiloh. Thank you all for reaching out in so many ways. Many events are happening possibly as you read this letter.  

Sunday, December 19th will be our catered Christmas/Thanksgiving dinner immediately after the service. We will be having Sunday School at the regular time.

for one Sunday only, we will be combining the first and second service at 11:00 AM. There will be NO 8:30 service on the 19th. Please enter how many will be attending and sign up here. You can also contact the church office and tell Melissa you will be attending.  

People hear us more clearly when we stoop lower than we raise our voices.  

God bless you all,

Pastor Derrell

Refer to the ministry announcements for new times and locations in various ministries. 


General Announcements:  If you have announcements for the newsletter or Sunday morning service, please get them to Melissa by 12:00 PM on Wednesday.  This will allow the AV team to process relative schedules, letters, videos, etc…

 Covid News: Your startup team, who kept us safe through the original crises, is monitoring the virus situation.  We are continuing to sanitize the main auditorium and outlying areas.   If you are concerned about social distancing, you might consider coming to the early (8:30 AM) service because the numbers are somewhat less.  However, there is still room in the second service as well.  I encourage you to continue attending, but please, be considerate of those who are more vulnerable or might have concerns. 

Please!  If you are sick, have experienced symptoms in recent days, or think you might have been exposed, stay home.  We can’t eliminate the virus, but we can help prevent an outbreak in our church.     

THANKSGIVING/CHRISTMAS DINNER:   December 19th the meal will be catered. Feel Free to make desserts. Register here.

ONLINE GIVING: You can use our online giving app for Benevolent Fund, Building Fund, or any other ministry.  Please use our app and designate the intended recipient.  If you haven’t already done so, you can download the app here for Apple or here for Android. You can also use our secure form, and by the way, you can use regular mail as well.

The church address is:  Shiloh Baptist Church, 24 Kay St., Rossville, GA  30741. 

We will continue to stream the 11:00 service as usual.  If you are sick, please stay home.  The staff and I understand how uncomfortable mass gatherings can be for some of you during these unusual times.    We don’t want anyone to feel pressured into coming if you are not comfortable doing so.  

If you choose to meet at the church during the week, PLEASE!  Let Melissa know the time and location (room) for your ministries.  It is imperative that we coordinate all gatherings at the church. If you have questions about Shiloh ministries, contact us at

 2021 NEW MEMBERS:   Jack Mayo, Samuel Craig McDonald, Caroline Rouse, Emily Sullivan, Jesse Woodard, C. J. Gentry, Patrick, Lori, Ellie, Joey, Frannie, and Penny Bowers, Tyler Jacobs, Lilly Farmer, Ada Fletcher, Austin Starr, Bain Carson.

PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS:  If you would like to meet to discuss membership at Shiloh, I would love to meet with you between the two morning services from 10:00 – 10:30 AM.  Please schedule the appointment through the church office.


Ministry Announcements:

College and Career Projects: Angel Tree, Operation Christmas Child (Samaritan’s Purse). See Parker Salmon, David Brown, or contact Melissa in the office.

COUPLES MINISTRY:  We are excited to announce a couples Christmas event in December. Get out those ugly Christmas sweaters or outfits and join us for a marriage social on December 5th, at the Five Dollar Farm in Rock Spring, GA. It will be a wonderful evening with your spouse complete with fun, food, and spiritual guidance for your marriage as well.  If you are interested in attending or have questions, contact Kami Gentry at 706-483-4896. The cost of the event per couple, including dinner, is $30.00. Please R.S.V.P. by purchasing tickets here.

Thanksgiving/Christmas Dinner: We will have a churchwide dinner December 19th, after the service. The meal will be catered, but you may bring deserts. Register here.

New Sunday School Class: David and Tya Mercer will be beginning a new young adult class this Sunday, September 26th at 9:45 AM.  This was formerly the 2430 class and will include married couples and single attendees.  They are planning to meet downstairs in what was previously the New Hope room. 

Sunday Morning Worship:  8:30 and 11:00 AM in the main auditorium.

Sunday School:  9:45-10:45

CHILDREN’S CHURCH:  Tya Mercer will be conducting children’s church (Pre-K & Kindergarten) during the 2nd service.

JR. CHURCH:  Jr. Church (1st-5th) will meet upstairs in the FLC during the 2nd service.

Nursery:  Nursery will now be provided in both services.  However, we are still in need of adult workers in both services.  If you would volunteer to work in either service, please contact Lea or call Melissa at the church office. 

Men's Bible Study:  The men are meeting every Monday night in the FLC at 6:30 for the “Pursuit” Bible study.  Everyone is welcome.


  • ADULT BIBLE STUDY:   Bro. David Jones and Pastor Paul will continue the Wednesday night Bible study and prayer meeting.  They are currently teaching a series on "Knowing God." Please plan to attend each Wednesday at 7:00.

  • COLLEGE AND CAREER:  Jon Carson and Garry Trulove will be leading a Bible study each Wednesday night.  The group will be meeting downstairs in the main building.  

  • YOUTH:  The High School/Middle School youth group will meet upstairs in the FLC.

  •  AWANA:  3 Yr Old through 5th Grade - Wednesday, 6:30-8:00 PM

Several of our SS classes and small groups are meeting at various non-traditional times throughout the week. Morning Sunday School will be between services and will begin at 9:45. Some of the locations have temporarily changed.  Teachers, please contact members and prospective members and inform them of the times and location of their class.