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Dear Shiloh Family,

     As the presents were being distributed, the children were instructed, rather threatened to the point of being skinned alive, not to open gifts until ALL bounty had been doled out.  With restraint likened to a wood-fired boiler at the brink of explosion, the children sat poised to shred paper.  It was almost like a western when the cowboy says, “It’s quiet, too quiet”, just before the Indians attack.

      However, energy had to be expended in some way, so the children’s pressure relief valve was to count the number of gifts received by siblings and cousins.  Everything was apropos until one unusually large gift was presented to her just as he received a moderately small box.  It was more than his untrained juvenile system could contain.  The popoff valve exploded. 

     “Ahhh!  Look at how big her present is.  It’s huge!”

    She examined the beautifully wrapped box carefully. The sheepish grin on the las’ face was followed by, “Oh it really is very large.”  (I’m quite sure it was a totally innocent and unintentional remark). 

     His next statement was going to be, “It’s not fair.”  However, only half of the intended rebuttal made it through his lips.  You know, those words that spew out as we futilely try to recapture them.  We’ve all been there. 

     Immediately following the blurt from the young man, with blushed face and lowered eyebrows, his eyes made contact with his Dad’s.  Dad, with a look that emitted the sentiment of one being grounded for life (which might have been relatively short) simply called the young man’s name.  At which point, the little guy, feeling a new lease on life and a slight need for attitude adjustment peered at the little lady, held his hands out, and happily (almost theatrical) replied, “But that’s OK. Good job!  I’m happy for you.”  The entire room exploded with laughter.

Proverbs 25:11:  11 A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. KJV

     You see, what the child didn’t understand, and couldn’t know until the gift was unwrapped and the entire scene unfolded, is that the radio-controlled car in his small box was three times more expensive, and exponentially more exciting than the blanket in her large box.  Oh, by the way, the blanket fit her new baby doll perfectly.  

     Like those children, we often scan the proverbial, experiential room of life and complain because God’s blessings seem larger for some than for others.  Consequentially, those feelings of pride, jealousy, or self-pity frequently appear when we are idle. 

     God is constantly reminding me to appreciate and celebrate what He is doing for others.  I am also encouraged to unwrap the small things from my heavenly Father with anticipation.  They usually contain some of the greatest blessings.  I’m also learning to listen for the still, small voice. 

1 Kings 19:11-13:  And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; 12 and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice. 13 So it was, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave. Suddenly a voice came to him, and said, "What are you doing here, Elijah?"  NKJV

     I pray that all of you had a very Merry Christmas.  My prayer for our church in the new year is that we ignore the hoopla of the world and what it says we should be, and enjoy every gift from above, and glorify the Father from whence it came.        

God’s greatest blessings in life are rarely seen by the world. 

God bless you all,

Pastor Derrell

General Announcements:  If you have announcements for the newsletter or Sunday morning service, please get them to Melissa by 12:00 PM on Wednesday.  This will allow the AV team to process relative schedules, letters, videos, etc…

2022 NEW MEMBERS:  Dustin Afman;  Rob, Lori, Bowden, and Garrett Gass, Jake and Kristen Brown, Patricia Fleming, Jimmy Farrow, Joella Morehead, Bill and Rita Willett, Moe, Sharon and Pat Gass, Becky and Doug Trew, Paul, Laura, and Jacob Donahoe

PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS:  If you would like to meet to discuss membership at Shiloh, I would love to meet with you between the two morning services from 10:00 – 10:30 AM.  Please schedule the appointment through the church office.

If you choose to meet at the church during the week, PLEASE!  Let Melissa know the time and location (room) for your ministries.  It is imperative that we coordinate all gatherings at the church. If you have questions about Shiloh ministries, contact us at

CHRISTMAS DAY: This Sunday, Christmas day, we will have one service at 11:00 AM.  We will not be having Sunday School

LOTTIE MOON CHRISTMAS OFFERING:  This offering goes directly to our Southern Baptist missionaries.  It can be given from now to the end of December.

We will have both services on January 1, 2023.



USHERS MINISTRY:  We would love for all men, ages 16 and up to sign up for our usher ministry.  The more people who participate, the less each person will be asked to work each month.  There are signup sheets in the vestibule. If you have questions, contact Baylee Brown, Bill Newbille, or you can call Melissa in the church office.

CHOIR PRACTICE:  Every other Thursday night at 7:00 PM.

LADIES:  2022 Secret Sister’s Reveal and ReNew Year’s Party. 

Ladies of Shiloh, W.O.W. will be starting a New Year in the Secret Sister ministry.  If you would like to participate in giving, encouragement, or are needing encouragement, fellowship, prayer, or plain ole fun, this ministry is for you.  Join us for brunch, Saturday, January 7th, 10:30 AM at Mean Mug in Fort Oglethorpe.  Please, contact Christie Bradley, Jamie Starr, or Rhonda Jones for more information.  Annual Secret Sister sheets will be available at the event and at the Secret Sister table located in the hallway.  

MEN’S MINISTRY: Men's Bible study every Monday @ 6:30 PM.  Come enjoy Physical and Spiritual food and fellowship in the FLC.

SUNDAY WORSHIP:  8:30 and 11:00 AM in the main auditorium.

SUNDAY SCHOOL:  9:45-10:45

CHILDREN’S CHURCH:  Tya Mercer will be conducting children’s church (Pre-K & Kindergarten) during the 2nd service.

JR. CHURCH:  (1st-5th grade) will meet upstairs in the FLC during the 2nd service.

NURSERY:  Nursery will now be provided in both services.  However, we are still in need of adult workers in both services.  If you would volunteer to work in either service, please contact Lea or call Melissa at the church office.


  • ADULT BIBLE STUDY:   Bro. David Jones will continue the Wednesday night Bible study and prayer meeting.  He is currently teaching a series on "Finding Selah." Please plan to attend each Wednesday at 7:00.

  • COLLEGE AND CAREER:  Jon Carson will be leading a Bible study each Wednesday night.  The group will be meeting downstairs in the main building.  

  • YOUTH:  The High School/Middle School youth group will meet upstairs in the FLC.

  • AWANA:  3 Yr Old through 5th Grade - Wednesday, 6:30-8:00 PM

SUNDAY SCHOOL:  Several of our SS classes and small groups are meeting at various non-traditional times throughout the week. Morning Sunday School will be between services and will begin at 9:45. Some of the locations have temporarily changed.  Teachers, please contact members and prospective members and inform them of the times and location of their class.