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Dear Shiloh Family,

   Do you remember when there were only three TV channels, no cable, and predicting weather was at best an educated guess?  You put a piece of wood on the back porch; if it was wet, it was raining; if it had frost, it was cold; if it had snow…well, you get the picture.  There was no such thing as satellite imaging, and sophisticated weather radar.  However, we had the next best thing…Mama.

     Mama could smell rain, feel lightning before it struck, hear geese flying south before any hint of winter, and if her snow birds were foraging in the leaves outside the kitchen window, we broke out the tire chains and galoshes.  She taught us to watch nature and observe the signs.

     The last week of February, I was awakened by the lead singer in nature’s choir.  In the pre-dawn hours, a robin began his warm-up vocal outside my bedroom window.  After a shower, I strolled across the back deck and paused to enjoy an overture that Beethoven, on his best day, never came close to composing.  God, the great creator, had assembled a symphony of cardinals, wrens, mockingbirds, brown thrashers, vireos, bluebirds, and many others. A woodpecker even completed the percussion section on a partially rotted oak tree.  They were in concert performance, and they were singing the song of Spring.  The chorus coupled with the familiar southeasterly breeze alerted me to the realization that new life would soon appear.

Song of Solomon 2:11-12: 11 For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; 12 The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land; KJV

     There is a song of new life around Shiloh, a song that covers the scale from salvation to service, birth to baptism.  The parking lot is full on Sunday, and the lights are on most every day of the week.  More importantly, the jingle is resonating throughout our schools, community, and workplaces.  And to emphasize the crescendo, we will celebrate Easter Sunday this week.  Our cantata of life will be highlighted by the celebration of the resurrection of our Lord and Savior.  Come celebrate with us!

Matthew 28:6-7: 6 He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. 7 And go quickly and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead, and indeed He is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him. Behold, I have told you." NKJV

     I encourage each and every one of you to find your part in the birthing and discipling process.  Don’t miss this exciting time of planting, budding, and harvesting.  I can’t help but believe the signs are also pointing to the harvest of souls, but most importantly, the time of the Lord’s harvest…the calling out of the church.  Don’t miss the obvious.  

It’s difficult to see the signs through closed eyes.  However, others miss the obvious with eyes wide open.        

God bless you all, 

Pastor Derrell


General Announcements:  If you have announcements for the newsletter or Sunday morning service, please get them to Melissa by 12:00 PM on Wednesday.  This will allow the AV team to process relative schedules, letters, videos, etc…

 2024 NEW MEMBERS:  Haven Johnson, River Johnson, Thomas, Lisa, and Mary Grace Gray, Philip, Ariana, and Isabella Rayburn, Wesley Fisher, Shane Johnson, Matt, Amanda, Parker, and Emily Ray, Brooklyn Britton, Gracie Wood, James Wood, Kerri Wood, Hayden Gardner, Elbert and Stephanie Britton, Linda Jones, Jeremy Armour, Evie Mercer, Shani Short

2024 BAPTISMS: Havan Johnson, River Johnson, Shane Johnson, Wesley Fisher, Brooklyn Britton, Gracie Wood, James Wood, Kerri Wood, Hayden Gardner, Jeremy Armour, Evie Mercer, Shani Short


NEW FOUNDATIONS STUDY:  Brother David Jones wuill be teaching the Foundations study every Wednesday at 7:00 in the Main Auditorium.

WEDDING SHOWER: There will be a wedding shower for CJ Gentry and Wyatt McDonald Sunday,  April  7th, at 4:00 PM in the FLC. They are registered on Amazon and Walmart.

EASTER AT SHILOH:  March 31st.

SUNRISE SERVICE: 7:00 AM, in the Main Auditorium.

BREAKFAST:  Immediately following the Sunrise Service in the FLC.

OUTDOOR EASTER SERVICE:  11:00 AM, in the parking lot.

MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT STUDY:  Pastor Derrell will begin a marriage enrichment class Sunday, April 14th at 4:00 PM in the FLC.  Signup sheets are available in the vestibule, and online as well. 

CHEST OF JOASH DAY: April 21st. Chest of Joash Day is a Sunday set aside specifically for special offering and prayer for our building program.  Please, pray what God would have you give on this exciting day. 

VBS: June 9th-12th.

PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS:  If you would like to meet to discuss membership at Shiloh, I would love to meet with you between the two morning services from 10:00 – 10:30 AM.  Please schedule the appointment through the church office.

ONLINE GIVING: You can use our online giving app for Benevolent Fund, Building Fund, or any other ministry.  Please use our app and designate the intended recipient.  If you haven’t already done so, you can download the app here for Apple or here for Android. You can also use our secure form or text the word "Give" to (844) 949-4039

If you choose to meet at the church during the week, PLEASE!  Let Melissa know the time and location (room) for your ministries.  It is imperative that we coordinate all gatherings at the church. If you have questions about Shiloh ministries, contact us at

RIGHT NOW MEDIA:  To access, text the code SBCROSSVILLE to the number 49775 and they will receive a text back, welcoming them to RightNow Media and providing you the link to register.

You can also use this link or the QR code below.





MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT SEMINAR: Sunday Aptil 14 @ 4pm in the FLC.

 SHILOH FOUNDATIONS CLASS:  If you are a new convert, a new member of Shiloh, a regular attender of the Wednesday night auditorium class, or would like to know more about what we believe, you are invited to attend the FOUNDATIONS class in the Main Auditorium.  Brother David will begin the study this Wednesday, February 28th at 7:00 PM.

 SHILOH HELPING HANDS:  Eddie and Polly White have begun a new ministry.  They are coordinating with church members to care for the needs of widows, shut-ins, elderly, etc….  If you have a skill (carpentry, lawn care, auto mechanic, painting, manual labor, etc.) and would be willing to volunteer to help those in need, please contact the office or Eddie and Polly.


 Audio/Visual Team:  Anyone interested in working in with the A/V team contact David Jones or Ricky Trew.

 Kitchen ministry:  Anyone interested in working with the kitchen ministry contact Kami Gentry or call Melissa in the main office.

 AWANA:  Our AWANA team needs Men to serve in the children’s ministry on Wednesday nights.  If you are willing to teach or simply listen to Bible verses, please, contact Melissa in the office.

 USHERS MINISTRY:  We would love for all men, ages 16 and up to sign up for our usher ministry.  The more people who participate, the less each person will be asked to work each month.  There are signup sheets in the vestibule or on the church website. If you have questions, contact Baylee Brown, Bill Newbille, or you can call Melissa in the church office.

 CHOIR PRACTICE:  Every other Thursday night at 7:00 PM.

 MEN’S MINISTRY: Men's Bible study every Monday @ 6:30 PM.  Come enjoy Physical and Spiritual food and fellowship in the FLC.

 Men’s breakfast will continue on the third Saturday of each month at 9:00 in the FLC.

 SUNDAY WORSHIP:  8:30 and 11:00 AM in the main auditorium.

 SUNDAY SCHOOL:  9:45-10:45

 CHILDREN’S CHURCH:  Tya Mercer will be conducting children’s church (Pre-K) during the 2nd service.

 JR. CHURCH:  (K-5th grade) will meet upstairs in the FLC during the 2nd service.

 NURSERY:  Nursery will now be provided in both services.  However, we are still in need of adult workers in both services.  If you would volunteer to work in either service, please contact Lea or call Melissa at the church office.

SUNDAY SCHOOL:  Several of our SS classes and small groups are meeting at various non-traditional times throughout the week. Morning Sunday School will be between services and will begin at 9:45. Some of the locations have temporarily changed.  Teachers, please contact members and prospective members and inform them of the times and location of their class.


  • ADULT BIBLE STUDY/Foundations: If you are a new convert, a new member of Shiloh, a regular attender of the Wednesday night auditorium class, or would like to know more about what we believe, you are invited to attend the FOUNDATIONS class in the Main Auditorium.  Brother David Jones will be teaching this study at 7:00 PM.

  • COLLEGE AND CAREER: Jon Carson will be leading a Bible study each Wednesday night.  The group will be meeting downstairs in the main building.  

  • YOUTH: The High School/Middle School youth group will meet upstairs in the FLC.

  • AWANA: 3 Yr Old through 5th Grade - Wednesday, 6:30-8:00 PM