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Dear Shiloh Family,

     I had never seen a ski slope outside of the preview of Wide World of Sports show.  You know, “The thrill of victory, or the agony of defeat” video.  The one where the ski jumper is head-over-hills across the roof of that woodshed.  My first time down the slopes made that dude’s fall look like a ride at Lake Winni.  

     I can still hear my friend’s (tongue-in-cheek) words, “Hey O’Neal, don’t you water ski back home?  Yeah, piece of cake, no worries, you’ll do fine.”   I also am haunted by other parts of the dialogue.

     “Shouldn’t I get instructions? Should I start on the little slope?”

     “Awe man, it’s easy.  All you need to know is to turn the tips of your skis in to slow down.  Bunny slope!  You mean to tell me a college football player is going to start on the bunny slope.  Well, since you’ve come this far, don’t get off on the intermediate slope, just stay with us.  We’re going to the top; you’ll love the black diamond.”  

     Now, I didn’t fully understand the meaning of black diamond until they pushed me off the ski lift, picked me up off the ramp and tilted me over what seemed to be a white cliff that extended into the great abyss. It was straight down!  I get the black part because I’m quite sure I blacked out at the bottom of that first drop.  It should have been named black demon.  After I stopped tumbling, rolling, and face planting, I awakened to discover my skis were nowhere to be found.  Eventually, I located them fifty or sixty yards down the mountain…in different directions.  

     Did you know about the only way to retrieve detached skis is to belly crawl?  Well, at least for me it was.  And buckling your boots in would be better accomplished on a rooftop than balancing on the side of a mogul.  However, persistence prevailed, and I repeated the scene again…and again…and again.  

     In fact, my buddies made the loop at least three times before I made it down the mountain.  More than once they cheered me on from the sky lift and berated me as they skied past. Their guffaws fell on deaf ears as I navigated the steep terrain on my bottom.  

     By the time I reached the intermediate section, I was on two feet and making progress.  I swished by the bunny slopes in style.  I was actually doing it…I was skiing.  Consequently, don’t let anyone dupe you into believing that snow-plow story with the tips of your skis.  I had picked up considerable speed when I reached the bottom.  Nobody told me the slope ended on the loading platform of the lift where many bodies stood waiting to board.  Yep, you guessed it.  It’s the best strike I’ve ever bowled.  Bodies flew like bowling pins in every direction.  I wasn’t the most popular person at Wolf Laurel Ski Resort that day.

     The story is humorous, but I fear we treat new church members, and even more tragic, new converts in much the same way.  We take them to the baptistic black diamond, watch them struggle, and yell happy hallelujahs from lofty positions.  

     It is of utmost importance to invite folks to Sunday School, small groups, Bible study, church socials, dinner events and various get togethers.  We have all these in place at Shiloh, but do we care enough to bring our friends, loved ones, and strangers?  

     I also remind everyone of our Right Now Media resource.  It is the Netflix of Christian resources, and is packed full of video driven studies, devotions, commentaries, entertainment and more.  There is material for individuals as well.  I have also begun a Shiloh church video library to assist with some of the more popular studies.  If you are not signed up, please, let us know and we can send you an invitation to join. 

Ephesians 4:11-14

11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, 13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;  NKJV

Lessons are best learned holding the hand of the teacher.     

God bless you all,

Pastor Derrell


General Announcements:  If you have announcements for the newsletter or Sunday morning service, please get them to Melissa by 12:00 PM on Wednesday.  This will allow the AV team to process relative schedules, letters, videos, etc…

2023 NEW MEMBERS:  Eaan Wilson, Presley Groce, Landry Donnahoe, Chase Armour, Jon and Jaydon Rigg, Deedee Crowley, Brandalynn Henry, Elijah Saylors, Jarrod Mercer, Brandalynn Henry

PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS:  If you would like to meet to discuss membership at Shiloh, I would love to meet with you between the two morning services from 10:00 – 10:30 AM.  Please schedule the appointment through the church office.

ONLINE GIVING: You can use our online giving app for Benevolent Fund, Building Fund, or any other ministry.  Please use our app and designate the intended recipient.  If you haven’t already done so, you can download the app here for Apple or here for Android. You can also use our secure form or text the word "Give" to (844) 949-4039

If you choose to meet at the church during the week, PLEASE!  Let Melissa know the time and location (room) for your ministries.  It is imperative that we coordinate all gatherings at the church. If you have questions about Shiloh ministries, contact us at

AUGUST 13:  Andy Childs will be with us.  He is the spiritual and physical health coordinator with the GA Baptist Association.  

August 19: Back to School Bash from 3-5 at Gateway of Rossville 2563 Happy Valley Rd. There will be free cotton candy, popcorn, and beverages.

AUGUST 27:   Homecoming at Shiloh. This will be our traditional covered dish dinner, so please bring enough food for your family to share and bless others. We will also be combining services to the 11:00 service and eating after.

RIGHT NOW MEDIA:  To access, text the code SBCROSSVILLE to the number 49775 and they will receive a text back, welcoming them to RightNow Media and providing you the link to register.

You can also use this link or the QR code below.





  • Audio/Visual Team:  Anyone interested in working in with the A/V team contact David Jones or Ricky Trew.

  • Kitchen ministry:  Anyone interested in working with the kitchen ministry contact Kami Gentry or call Melissa in the main office.

USHERS MINISTRY:  We would love for all men, ages 16 and up to sign up for our usher ministry.  The more people who participate, the less each person will be asked to work each month.  There are signup sheets in the vestibule or on the church website. If you have questions, contact Baylee Brown, Bill Newbille, or you can call Melissa in the church office.

CHOIR PRACTICE:  Every other Thursday night at 7:00 PM.

MEN’S MINISTRY: Men's Bible study every Monday @ 6:30 PM.  Come enjoy Physical and Spiritual food and fellowship in the FLC.

SUNDAY WORSHIP:  8:30 and 11:00 AM in the main auditorium.

SUNDAY SCHOOL:  9:45-10:45

CHILDREN’S CHURCH:  Tya Mercer will be conducting children’s church (Pre-K & Kindergarten) during the 2nd service.

JR. CHURCH:  (1st-5th grade) will meet upstairs in the FLC during the 2nd service.

NURSERY:  Nursery will now be provided in both services.  However, we are still in need of adult workers in both services.  If you would volunteer to work in either service, please contact Lea or call Melissa at the church office.


  • ADULT BIBLE STUDY:   Bro. David Jones will continue the Wednesday night Bible study and prayer meeting.  He is currently teaching a series on "Finding Selah." Please plan to attend each Wednesday at 7:00.

  • COLLEGE AND CAREER:  Jon Carson will be leading a Bible study each Wednesday night.  The group will be meeting downstairs in the main building.  

  • YOUTH:  The High School/Middle School youth group will meet upstairs in the FLC.

  • AWANA:  3 Yr Old through 5th Grade - Wednesday, 6:30-8:00 PM

SUNDAY SCHOOL:  Several of our SS classes and small groups are meeting at various non-traditional times throughout the week. Morning Sunday School will be between services and will begin at 9:45. Some of the locations have temporarily changed.  Teachers, please contact members and prospective members and inform them of the times and location of their class.